Alterations Menu

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We will help you look and feel good in your clothes. Peruse through our Alteration Menu to gain a better understanding of the type of services we offer.


Alterations have always been an important aspect from the beginning of time for looking and feeling good in our clothing. Men, women, and children all have the need for alterations through the year…may be for business, causal, or school attire.

Ready-made (Off the rack)
There is a need to alter clothes that are purchased off the rack (ready-made) because they are standard sizes which is not to your required length. Whether it is the length of your dress or pants…or the sleeves, they will need to be adjusted.

Physical Problems
Some people are extra tall where others are extra short...they may have an unaligned hip…one arm or leg may be shorter or longer than the other. Some people who have curved spines or have injured their spin must have their jacket altered to fit properly.


Weight Gain or Loss

 Most people fluctuate their weight throughout the year. They tend to add a couple of pounds in the winter especially around the holidays. In the summer they usually loose a few pounds from taking advantage of the nice weather. The clothes need to be altered to accommodate the weight gain or loss.  No matter if you are currently shaped like an apple or a pear, Kyrou Tailoring will help you dress through all your weight changes.        



 A person that is dieting will need to take advantage of altering their clothing to sustain them until they have reached their goal. In doing so they save money before they buy their new wardrobe.

Alterations can be a staircase to your new wardrobe once you reach your desired weight (size).     


Body Building
Today everyone has taken a new interest in working out and building muscles. In doing so their clothes can be altered to accommodate them to a certain degree before or if they will need to buy new clothing.


All of the above pertain to children also which helps get more usage out of their clothing.


Saving Money

 In these difficult economical times, when money is tight and we need to make our dollars stretch…revitalizing a garment as it gets warn so it will prolong its usage is an important factor of alterations.